‘Two sides to every story’: Cameron Walker blasts ‘Duchess difficult’ claims – ‘They have said it’s nonsense!’

Royal commentator Cameron Walker has fiercely defended Meghan Markle against the persistent ‘Duchess Difficult’ narrative, calling the claims “nonsense” in a recent interview. The Duchess of Sussex has long been the subject of media scrutiny, with accusations painting her as demanding and difficult to work with since her marriage to Prince Harry. However, Walker is not having it and has passionately debunked these accusations, urging the public to remember that “there are two sides to every story.”

Speaking on the matter, Walker criticized the tabloids and royal commentators who continue to push the narrative that Meghan is difficult behind palace doors. “These claims have been around for a long time, and yet people close to her have repeatedly said it’s nonsense!” Walker stated emphatically. He went on to highlight how unfair it is that Meghan has been labeled with such a moniker without taking into account the pressures she has faced since becoming a member of the Royal Family.

Walker also pointed to the Sussexes’ inner circle, many of whom have openly refuted the ‘Duchess Difficult’ label. Those who have worked with Meghan have described her as a driven, kind, and focused individual, dedicated to her causes. “People who have firsthand experience with her say that this portrayal simply isn’t accurate,” Walker added, calling for the media to stop perpetuating negative stereotypes without considering the full context.

The term ‘Duchess Difficult’ first surfaced in the British press following Meghan’s wedding to Prince Harry in 2018, as reports emerged of high staff turnover at Kensington Palace and alleged tensions with palace aides. Despite numerous insiders coming forward to clear her name, the label has stuck, becoming a persistent part of Meghan’s public image.

Walker went on to argue that the media has often overlooked the pressures placed on Meghan as a biracial woman entering the British Royal Family. He noted that Meghan has had to contend with both the intense spotlight of royal life and the invasive nature of the press, which can wear down even the strongest individuals. “It’s not fair to pin all the blame on her, especially without fully understanding the immense challenges she faced,” he said.

The royal commentator called for a more balanced approach to these stories, urging the public and media to consider Meghan’s side of the story as well. “There are always two sides, and we must stop judging without knowing all the facts,” Walker concluded.

As Prince Harry and Meghan Markle continue to carve out their new lives in the United States, the ‘Duchess Difficult’ label remains a thorny topic. However, with voices like Cameron Walker speaking out in her defense, it’s clear that many are eager to see a more nuanced, fair, and empathetic understanding of the Duchess of Sussex’s experiences.

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