The Confidentiality Contract Became A New Focus Between Jolie And Pitt.

The court ordered Angelina Jolie to disclose confidentiality agreements with third parties after Brad Pitt asked her to disclose employee control contracts. According to Daily Mail, the dispute over the French vineyard of “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” had new developments after judge Lia Martin of the Los Angeles Superior Court, USA, issued an “unfavorable” verdict for Angelina Jolie, on June 16. /5. Jolie must publicly disclose all non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) related to property, child custody issues after divorce, and work with third parties from the time the two got married in 2014 to February 2022. She has 60 days to complete the request.

Many international news sites say that NDAs have now become the main issue in the conflict between A-list stars. In April, Angelina Jolie accused Brad Pitt of forcing her to sign a confidentiality contract to control her and not reveal her identity. Tinh spoke out about her husband’s past of domestic violence. Brad Pitt then responded, saying his ex-wife was just looking for an excuse to legalize the secret sale of vineyard shares to outsiders. At the same time, he accused her of using a similar agreement to “silence” employees, forcing them to keep quiet about the artist’s private life. He asked Jolie to disclose private terms to subordinates and third parties. At that time, Jolie refused on the grounds that if the contract was made public, she would have to pay a lot of compensation to the signatories including film studios, brands and employees.

At the latest court hearing, the judge agreed with Brad Pitt’s motion, rejecting Angelina Jolie’s argument when she said that the personal NDAs were not related to the estate lawsuit. According to People, a source close to the actor commented that the judge’s new ruling “deals a fatal blow” to Jolie, affecting the credibility of her statements about the incident. This person added: “This was originally a business dispute, but the two turned it into a personal matter and now they are responsible for everything.”

Before the new ruling from the court, Angelina Jolie’s side changed its stance, saying it would follow the court’s request. Jolie’s legal team said it welcomes any transparency between the parties. “Angelina looks forward to the case ending with the false information that has hurt her family, preventing her from healing her pain,” said Paul Murphy – Jolie’s lawyer – said. One week before the trial on May 16, Tony Webb – former bodyguard of the Jolie-Pitt family from 2000 to 2021, currently working for Brad Pitt – revealed information unfavorable to Angelina Jolie. He accused the star of encouraging his children not to see their father, using confidentiality contracts to control employees, and firing two bodyguards after they sided with Brad Pitt in the custody battle.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt first met on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005), when the actor was married to Jennifer Aniston. After the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Angie and Pitt publicly loved each other, got married in 2014, and together took care of six children, including three adopted and three biological. In 2016, Angelina Jolie filed for divorce due to unresolved conflicts. They both won custody of their children, but Brad Pitt lost.

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