Rossi has been ‘CRITICIZED’ for fiercely reopening his feud with Marc Marquez

Valentino Rossi, the legendary MotoGP rider with nine World Championships to his name, has recently come under fire for rekindling his infamous feud with fellow rider Marc Marquez. The tension between the two racing giants, which reached its peak in 2015, has been reignited by comments made by Rossi, leading to widespread criticism from fans, media, and other figures within the MotoGP community.

A Bitter Rivalry Revisited

The original feud between Rossi and Marquez dates back to the 2015 MotoGP season, particularly during the controversial race in Sepang, Malaysia. The incident saw Rossi accused of deliberately kicking Marquez off his bike during a heated battle for the championship. This moment became one of the most talked-about controversies in MotoGP history, and the fallout between the two riders has lingered ever since. Rossi’s actions resulted in a penalty that heavily impacted his chances of winning the title, which ultimately went to Jorge Lorenzo.

In the years following the incident, both riders have often avoided direct confrontation, but the hostility between them remained an open secret. While Marquez largely refrained from escalating the conflict, Rossi’s recent comments have thrust the rivalry back into the spotlight. Rossi accused Marquez of intentionally interfering with his 2015 title bid and continuing to show a lack of respect on the track.

Why the Feud is Reigniting Now

Rossi’s recent remarks have reignited the bitter rivalry, and critics have been quick to point out the unnecessary nature of revisiting old wounds. Many argue that both riders have moved on in their careers, and stirring up the past serves no constructive purpose. Rossi’s continued focus on his rivalry with Marquez is seen by some as a distraction from his post-racing ventures, including his leadership in the VR46 Racing Team and his car racing career.

Some within the MotoGP world believe that Rossi, once known for his charismatic and playful personality, is trying to maintain relevance in the sport by dragging out his personal battles. Others argue that Rossi’s frustration stems from the fact that Marquez has since eclipsed him in terms of success, with Marquez winning multiple world titles and solidifying his status as one of the greatest MotoGP riders of all time.

Fan and Media Reactions

The response to Rossi’s comments has been mixed, with some fans supporting his stance while others believe the time has come to let go of the past. Rossi still enjoys a loyal fan base, and many of his supporters feel that he has every right to express his grievances. However, an equally vocal group of MotoGP enthusiasts has criticized Rossi for what they see as petty and divisive behavior.

Prominent MotoGP commentators have also weighed in on the issue, with many noting that the rivalry has already taken a significant toll on the sport’s image. “Revisiting the feud is not doing anyone any favors,” said one leading journalist. “Rossi’s legacy is secure, and Marquez has proven himself on the track. There’s no need to keep stirring the pot.”

Other media outlets have highlighted that Marquez, despite the intense rivalry, has remained relatively silent on the matter, seemingly more focused on his recovery from injuries and his plans for the future. This has only fueled the narrative that Rossi’s comments are one-sided and unnecessary.

The Impact on MotoGP

The resurgence of the feud has also raised concerns about its impact on the sport itself. MotoGP has undergone significant changes since the height of the Rossi-Marquez rivalry, with new riders emerging and technological advancements shaping the competition. Some experts worry that the focus on past grievances detracts from the current state of MotoGP and overshadows the accomplishments of other riders.

For many, the Rossi-Marquez feud represents an era of MotoGP that was marked by thrilling races but also by unnecessary drama. As the sport looks to the future, there is hope that the focus will remain on the next generation of riders and the innovations that continue to push the boundaries of motorcycle racing.

Moving Forward

As the MotoGP community navigates the fallout from Rossi’s latest remarks, there is a sense that it may be time for both riders to fully bury the hatchet. While their rivalry made for compelling television and generated intense fan engagement, the time may have come for both Rossi and Marquez to focus on their respective futures rather than dwelling on past disputes.

Rossi, now fully retired from MotoGP, has shifted his attention to managing his racing team and competing in car races, while Marquez is concentrating on making a full recovery from the injuries that have plagued him in recent seasons. Both riders have solidified their places in the sport’s history, and their legacies are unlikely to be defined by this lingering animosity.

As MotoGP continues to evolve, the hope is that the Rossi-Marquez feud will fade into history, allowing the sport to move forward and celebrate the achievements of all its competitors, both past and present.


Valentino Rossi’s decision to reopen his feud with Marc Marquez has drawn sharp criticism from various quarters. While the rivalry between the two riders once captivated MotoGP fans, many feel that it no longer serves a purpose in the current landscape of the sport. As MotoGP heads into the future, it is time for both Rossi and Marquez to close this chapter and allow the sport, and their legacies, to move forward.

Ultimately, Rossi and Marquez will forever be linked in MotoGP history, but their rivalry should be remembered for the thrilling battles on the track, not the personal conflicts that overshadowed them.

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