Roman Reigns issues a warning to WWE after airing an extremely offensive segment that severely impacted revenue.

The atmosphere in WWE is becoming more intense than ever when Roman Reigns, the top superstar and the former leader of Bloodline, have just warned the company after a controversial incident in the recent Smackdown episode. A segment that was broadcast live, described by many people as “extremely offensive”, made the audience turn away and WWE’s revenue was seriously plunged. Reigns, who rarely publicly criticized the leadership, broke the silence with a strict message, raising the question of whether the company was going too far in an effort to attract attention.

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The incident occurred when a short video showed a new group of wrestling to perform obscene acts and unnecessary violence, far beyond WWE’s usual limits. This segment, which was promoted as a “turning point” for the new storyline, immediately faced a wave of fierce opposition from the audience. Parents speak up on social networks, calling it “content that is not suitable for children”, while a series of sponsors threaten to withdraw capital. Preliminary financial statements show that the ticket sales and views online have dropped sharply after the event, a painful blow in WWE in the context that they are trying to maintain the attraction after Wrestlemania.

Roman Reigns, who had just returned after a short time of absence, could not hide his disappointment. In a behind -the -scenes interview, he stated: “If WWE continues to go in this direction, they will ruin themselves. We need respect from the audience, not the disgust. ” His warnings are aimed at Triple H and the content creation committee, which is mainly responsible for the controversial segment. Some sources revealed that Reigns refused to participate in any similar script in the future, putting pressure on the leadership to change the direction.

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