Revealing Electric Cars Have Been Existing Since Victorian Times 100 Years Ago.

Electric cars are not a new innovation, but they have existed for a long time in the history of technology. In 1832, a large electric vehicle was invented and tested, called the Electric Vehicle (EV), by Robert Anderson from Scotland. This is a remarkable first step in the development journey of clean transportation.

American inventor Thomas Davenport continued to advance this technology when he created a DC electric motor for trains in 1837, paving the way for subsequent applications of electricity in transportation.

These efforts continued in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when inventors such as Thomas Parker in London built electric cars using high-capacity rechargeable batteries from 1884. This car was an important turning point in electric car technology, marking the transition from vehicles powered by internal combustion engines to using electric energy.


Around the world, from Berlin, Germany to New York, USA, inventors and engineers have diligently researched and developed electric vehicle models. By the 1900s, one-third of the cars on American roads were powered by electricity, demonstrating the popularity and potential of this technology.

The 20th century saw the dominance of Henry Ford’s Ford Model T cars, leading to the oblivion of electric vehicles during this period. However, in 1912, Thomas Edison, who is known for inventing the light bulb, built and patented three of his electric cars, opening a new chapter in the history of electric vehicle technology.

Although the electric vehicle market was in decline when Henry Ford introduced the Model T, the development of the lithium-ion battery in 1973 and the introduction of the first hybrid vehicle, the Toyota Prius in 1997, once again marked the the revival of electric vehicles in the 21st century.

These historic efforts have helped shape and accelerate the development of modern electric vehicles, while recalling the pioneers and the first steps in the clean and sustainable transportation revolution.

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