Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s PR Misstep

Royal experts Kinsey Schofield and Cristo Foufas recently dissected Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s tumultuous journey through the world of public relations in their podcast ‘Pump Up The Jam’. The discussion highlighted several key missteps that have marred the couple’s image over the years.

One of the most significant blunders identified by Schofield and Foufas was the infamous Oprah Winfrey interview in 2021. Described as a “rage-fueled move” by Schofield, the interview saw the Sussexes publicly air their grievances against the royal family following their decision to step back as senior royals. The experts criticized the couple for “dropping grenade after grenade” and portraying themselves as victims, ultimately giving the interview a dismal rating of 2/10 in terms of its PR impact.

Another sore point was the couple’s Netflix docuseries, ‘Harry & Meghan’. Schofield labeled it as “contrived”, suggesting that intimate moments were staged rather than authentic. She criticized the couple for exaggerating their stories, pointing out inconsistencies such as Meghan claiming she had never curtseyed before, despite having done so on her television show ‘Suits’.

The Sussexes’ foray into podcasting also came under scrutiny. Schofield lamented that their podcasts failed to deliver on their promise of meaningful conversations with real-world changemakers. Instead, she noted, episodes often veered into lighter fare, such as Mariah Carey discussing the meaning of the word “Diva”, which was seen as a missed opportunity to align with their initial brand promise.

Overall, Schofield and Foufas concluded that these missteps have significantly impacted Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s public perception and their brand image. As they continue to navigate life outside the royal fold, the couple faces ongoing challenges in reshaping their narrative and reclaiming their place in the public eye.

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