near the plane

A man named Jason has been working as a pilot for many years.
During his career, he encountered many unexpected situations that required a quick response to resolve them.
However, there is one situation in particular that made him a hero.
During a flight that had just ended, the plane that Jason was piloting was suddenly attacked by a huge flock of birds that crashed into the plane’s windows.
The sight was so unusual that Jason was shocked.
However, realizing that the lives of the passengers were in his hands, he tried to find a way to avoid colliding with the angry birds, which was not as easy as he thought.
He tried to reassure everyone on board that everything would be okay, and prayed that the birds wouldn’t damage the engine.
Unfortunately, the birds became more aggressive, and Jason began to think about what to do next to get rid of them.
He called for help from the central office, but the tower was silent.
Unable to control the plane, he decided to return to the airport, but the attacks became more aggressive and he was eventually forced to attempt a maneuver he had never tried before: a water landing.
As crazy as it sounded, it was the only sane option the pilot could think of.
Despite the hard landing, none of the passengers were injured.

Rescue services rushed to the scene and sent tug boats to retrieve the plane from the water.
All passengers were safe, but the rescue operation was delayed due to continued bird attacks.
The services tried to keep the birds away, but they were persistent and no one knew why.
Ultimately, the investigation was able to determine the cause of the birds’ aggression.
It turned out that one of the passengers was trying to smuggle some birds and was involved in the illegal trade of exotic birds.
When it was all over and Jason realized everyone was safe, he felt relieved and cried tears of joy.
Not only did he prevent a disaster, he also exposed a criminal network.
This is another example of the challenges faced by aviation professionals.
Everyone praised Jason’s actions and his ability to remain calm and focus on ensuring the safety of all passengers on board.
Thanks to this man, the illegal activity that was causing the birds’ strange behavior was stopped.
It sounds like you’re talking about a pilot’s reaction when he discovers why birds are flying close to the plane. A pilot would likely feel very anxious when he sees birds, especially if the reason is that the birds might pose a safety hazard to the flight, such as causing a collision with the engines or other parts of the plane.
If a pilot detects birds flying close to the aircraft due to factors such as weather conditions or natural bird behavior, he or she may react both professionally and emotionally. He or she may take action such as changing altitude or course to avoid collision or may be on heightened alert to ensure the safety of passengers and the aircraft.
Was there a particular situation in mind?