Novak Djokovic In Heated Dispute With Wife Jelena After Enforcing Strict Ban On Their Children

Novak Djokovic, the tennis superstar, has opened up about a disagreement between him and his wife, Jelena, regarding the ban they’ve imposed on their children’s use of mobile phones. The high school sweethearts, who have been married since 2014, are parents to two children: Stefan, aged nine, and Tara, aged seven.

In a recent interview with Blic, Djokovic revealed that the couple often argues about the issue. He explained that their children frequently complain, saying, “At school, everyone has a phone except us.” While acknowledging the pressure to conform to societal norms, Djokovic firmly believes that they don’t have to follow the crowd. “Just because the majority does something doesn’t mean we have to,” he emphasized. Djokovic and Jelena’s parenting philosophy reflects their commitment to active lifestyles and a desire to instill discipline in their children.

The disagreement surfaced again during the Davis Cup, where Djokovic played for Team Serbia following his US Open exit. Jelena and Tara were present to support him as he easily defeated world No. 770 Ioannis Xilas in just 45 minutes. Despite his busy schedule, Djokovic still prioritizes time with his family, and during a previous interview at Wimbledon, he explained that he is responsible for maintaining their healthy lifestyle and physical activity.

Djokovic, often seen as a traditional parent, expressed how crucial it is for children to remain active, stating, “I want them to play sports and be outside, no matter if it’s tennis or something else.” Although Jelena, standing nearby, was amused by his persistence, Djokovic remains committed to ensuring that their children don’t become overly reliant on technology, particularly mobile phones.

As one of the world’s most accomplished athletes, Djokovic’s strict approach to parenting mirrors his discipline on the tennis court. His views on children’s technology use contrast with the growing trend among many modern families, where even young children are often provided with smartphones.

Despite the ongoing disagreement, Djokovic maintains that his approach stems from his desire to give his children a balanced upbringing. He also emphasized that being actively involved in his children’s lives and teaching them the value of physical activity is more important than allowing them to follow trends like mobile phone usage at a young age.

Djokovic’s traditional stance on parenting continues to spark interest, especially as he balances family life with his demanding career in professional tennis. Even as he prepares for major tournaments, Djokovic is determined to ensure that his children grow up with the right values and habits, prioritizing their well-being over societal pressures.

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