Mike Tyson actually bit Evander Holyfield’s ear TWICE during the championship fight. Leaked Video

One of the most infamous incidents in boxing history is the moment Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield’s ear during their heavyweight championship fight. What some may not remember, however, is that Tyson didn’t just bite Holyfield once—he did it twice. This shocking behavior not only stunned the audience but also resulted in Tyson’s disqualification and a lasting legacy of controversy.

On June 28, 1997, Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield’s ear twice during their championship boxing bout. Tyson was disqualified due to the action by referee Mills Lane. And Holyfield, who actually lost a piece of his ear, was declared the winner. 

Tensions were high leading up to the fight. Tyson had accused Holyfield of using headbutts in their previous bout, and there was significant animosity between the two fighters. The rematch was billed as “The Sound and the Fury,” and expectations were immense.

In the third round of the fight, Tyson bit Holyfield’s right ear, tearing off a piece of cartilage. Holyfield jumped in pain, and referee Mills Lane temporarily halted the match. The fight resumed after Tyson was deducted two points for the foul.

Astonishingly, moments after the fight resumed, Tyson bit Holyfield’s left ear. This second bite was even more shocking to the audience and officials. Holyfield again reacted in pain and disbelief.

Following the second bite, referee Mills Lane disqualified Mike Tyson, awarding the victory to Evander Holyfield. The arena erupted in chaos as fans and officials tried to comprehend what had just occurred.

Tyson’s actions led to severe repercussions. The Nevada State Athletic Commission revoked his boxing license and fined him $3 million. The incident also severely damaged Tyson’s reputation and legacy.

The double ear-biting incident is one of the most notorious moments in sports history. It overshadowed the fight’s significance and became a defining moment in Tyson’s career.

Years later, Tyson and Holyfield have both reflected on the incident. Tyson has publicly apologized, expressing regret for his actions. Holyfield, known for his sportsmanship, accepted the apology, and the two have even appeared together in public, showing a surprising level of reconciliation.

The incident led to stricter regulations and oversight in boxing matches. Officials became more vigilant in monitoring fighters’ behavior to prevent similar occurrences.

The media frenzy surrounding the event was unprecedented. The fight, and especially the ear-biting, was covered extensively, bringing both negative and sensational attention to the sport.

Here is video of the bout. The first biting incident is at the 4:05-mark. The second bite follows leading to Tyson’s disqualification and chaos in the ring. Both of the incidents were in the third round.


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