Meghan Markle’s tailor speaks out on royal bridesmaids row that made Princess Charlotte cry

Luxury tailor Ajay Mirpuri has shed light on the dramatic episode involving Princess Charlotte’s bridesmaid dress ahead of Meghan Markle’s wedding to Prince Harry in 2018. The incident, which reportedly added to tensions between Meghan and Kate Middleton, left the then three-year-old princess in tears due to ill-fitting dresses.

Mirpuri, who spearheaded the dress alterations, revealed that a team of four worked tirelessly when they discovered none of the six bridesmaid dresses fit perfectly just days before the Windsor wedding. While he didn’t witness any direct conflict between Meghan and Kate, he acknowledged the stress of such last-minute alterations, stating, “Weddings are stressful at the best of times, especially at this high level.”

He empathized with the situation, emphasizing the importance of ensuring the children felt comfortable on such a prominent occasion. “You wouldn’t want the children to go out on a big stage in an ill-fitting dress,” he commented.

Despite the challenges, Mirpuri expressed his dedication to serving the Royal Family through his work, describing himself as a royalist. He lamented the media’s focus on the tensions rather than celebrating the beautiful outcome of the bridesmaids’ appearances.

Princess Charlotte, alongside other bridesmaids Florence van Cutsem, Rylan and Remi Litt, Ivy Mulroney, and Zalie Warren, wore dresses that were eventually adjusted to perfection. Prince George, also participating as a page boy, added to the splendor of the occasion.

The incident is part of the broader narrative surrounding Meghan and Harry’s decision to step down as senior working royals in early 2020, eventually relocating to the United States with their children.


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