Larry Levine, a former friend of Sean “Diddy” Combs from the Metropolitan area of Brooklyn, New York, has shared startling insights into the rapper’s current state as he serves time. At 54 years old, Diddy reportedly struggles with extreme anxiety, fearing for his safety to the extent that he refuses to eat.

“He imagines that someone might pay someone inside to poison his food, which could lead to a heart attack and… death,” Levine explained. “This concern is valid, as if someone were to get to one of the guards, anything could happen. They don’t make much money, and there are people out there with plenty of cash willing to pay to take action against Diddy.”

Federal prison consultant Sam Mangel described Diddy’s cell, which is approximately 6.5 feet by 9 feet and contains two metal bunk beds. He is provided with a single mattress, meaning the mattress and pillow are one and the same.

“In addition, he’s given a blanket, a uniform, and while inside, he receives a limited or restricted amount of food. There’s a steel toilet/sink combination and possibly a small writing desk. That’s about it,” Mangel noted.

The toilet is designed to flush only three times a day. “Occasionally, inmates flood the toilet, which is why they limit the number of times you can flush,” Sam added.

“Due to his high profile, they won’t place anyone else in the cell with him. Although he’s alone, that doesn’t mean he can’t hear other inmates around him. People bang on the walls of their cells all night. They scream and cry while Diddy is isolated. He’s in prison, and the noise level is incredible,” Mangel concluded.
As Diddy continues to navigate life behind bars, his situation raises concerns about the mental and emotional toll of incarceration, particularly for high-profile individuals. The fear of harm, combined with the harsh realities of prison life, paints a grim picture of his current circumstances.