Kevin Costner confirms Princess Diana’s romantic feelings after meeting with Prince William

In a revelation that has ignited the public’s curiosity, Hollywood actor Kevin Costner confirmed Princess Diana’s romantic feelings towards him, hinted at by Prince William during a candid conversation. This surprising confirmation comes years after speculations about a possible romance between Costner and the late princess, which began during discussions of a potential collaboration on the sequel to “The Bodyguard.”

Costner shared his intriguing encounter with Prince William, recounting the moment with fondness. He revealed, “We met in this room, and it was just us. He walked up, and we shook hands… The first line out of his mouth was, ‘You know, my mom kind of fancied you.’” The actor described William as “quite a young man,” noting the sweetness of the experience and the lasting impression it left on him. Despite the candid nature of their meeting, Costner refrained from divulging further details, allowing the public’s curiosity to persist.

Before Princess Diana’s untimely death, rumors about her relationship with Costner were fueled by their visible chemistry. Their potential collaboration on a sequel to “The Bodyguard” was particularly tantalizing to fans and the media alike. Costner often reminisces about his time with Diana, portraying her as humble, gentle, and kind. Despite the persistent rumors, he has never fully confirmed any romantic involvement, leaving fans to wonder about the true nature of their relationship.

Costner’s reflections often paint a picture of a deep and respectful friendship. He recalls how Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, played a pivotal role in their initial meeting. “Sarah was very cool… when she could have been going, ‘Well, I’m a princess too. What about me?’ She didn’t do that at all. Diana and I began to talk.” Their conversations and the potential film project were kept under wraps, reflecting Costner’s preference for privacy and discretion.

The untimely death of Princess Diana not only marked a tragic loss for the world but also brought an end to the much-anticipated project. Costner disclosed that after Diana’s passing, plans for the sequel to “The Bodyguard” were leaked, leading to tensions with the Royal Family. “When Diana passed, about a year later it had leaked out that I was prepping Bodyguard 2 with her,” Costner shared. “And what happened was, the Royal Family kind of turned on me a little bit.”

Despite the unfortunate turn of events, Costner treasures the memories he shared with Diana. He fondly recalls the private moments they spent together, discussing their potential collaboration and forging a connection that, though cut short, remains significant.

While Prince William’s candid remark to Costner has reignited rumors and speculation, it also highlights the genuine affection and admiration Diana had for the actor. Costner’s respect for Diana’s memory and his decision to maintain a degree of privacy regarding their relationship speak volumes about the depth of their connection.

The public may never know the full extent of Diana and Costner’s relationship, but the actor’s reminiscences provide a glimpse into a friendship that was both respectful and profound. As fans and admirers continue to speculate, one thing remains clear: Princess Diana left an indelible mark on those she touched, and her potential romance with Kevin Costner is a testament to the warmth and charm that defined her.

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