The experts have weighed in, patriots, and Kamala Harris is now the holder of the title “Most dishonest debater in history.”

While she stood there and spouted lie after lie with that annoying cackle every thirty seconds, a calm and composed Donald Trump repeatedly battled back against her with honesty and the truth.
Did anyone else need a break for a solid belly laugh after reading that? Gurl. Same.
Our experts, for the record, are three Geriatritatoes™ who follow a Facebook page that tells them stories they want to hear with little to no grasp on reality.
Because the reality is, she mopped the floor with him. She was nearly perfect while he devolved into “Rally Trump,” a blithering idiot who only has one argument: Illegals are the biggest problem in America…ever.
He made a complete fool of himself and she capitalized on every second of it. She made him look worse than Biden looked in the last debate, which is something many experts, meaning sane people, never thought they’d see happen.
The sentiment didn’t age well. God Bless you, Donald Trump, for providing the unhinged weirdo we were all hoping to see. It was more than we could have possibly asked for.