James Middleton Reflects on the Nerve-Wracking Role at Kate and William’s Royal Wedding

James Middleton, the younger brother of the Princess of Wales, has opened up about the unexpected and challenging role he was asked to play during the wedding of his sister, Kate Middleton, and Prince William in 2011. In his memoir, Meet Ella: The Dog Who Saved My Life, James reveals how he was taken aback when the royal couple requested him to deliver the Bible reading at their wedding, a task he never anticipated due to his lifelong struggle with dyslexia.

Diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of 11, James had always found reading in public to be a daunting experience. In his book, he candidly shares the initial shock he felt when Kate and William asked him to take on this significant role at Westminster Abbey. “A reading? I thought they were joking,” James wrote, recalling his school days and the difficulty he had in reading aloud.

Despite his initial hesitance, the 37-year-old agreed to the request out of love for his sister and brother-in-law, determined not to let them down on such a momentous occasion. He spent months practicing, carrying the reading with him everywhere he went, and working diligently to perfect it. “I ­carried it with me everywhere, taking it out of my pocket to practice the lines, over which I tripped and stumbled,” he explained, highlighting the challenges he faced with dyslexic tendencies like confusing letters and syllables.

Throughout the preparation process, his beloved dog Ella played a crucial role in helping him relax. Although Ella wasn’t allowed inside Westminster Abbey during the wedding, she accompanied James to the rehearsal, providing a source of comfort and calm. On the big day, James had to perform the reading solo in front of a packed Abbey and a global audience of two billion viewers. “I wanted to do [Kate and William] both proud,” he shared, recalling how he managed to keep his nerves in check by focusing on familiar faces in the crowd and taking a deep breath before beginning.

James’ reading was the only Bible reading during the service, and his heartfelt performance was praised by many. In fact, he received thousands of messages and invitations to read lessons at churches around the world following the wedding. However, for James, the day ended on a quieter note, as he preferred to celebrate with a simple walk with Ella, reflecting on the significance of the event and the pride he felt for having contributed to his sister’s special day.

This candid look into James Middleton’s experience offers a touching insight into the pressures he faced and his determination to support his sister and Prince William during one of the most watched weddings in history.

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