‘He’s a Scumbag’: Alyssa Milano Accuses Elon Musk of Being the Cause of Her Career Decline and Financial Crisis

In a shocking (but not entirely surprising) move, actress Alyssa Milano has spoken out about her career and financial struggles. And who does she blame for it all? None other than tech billionaire Elon Musk.

“He’s an asshole!” Milano ट्वीट. “He ruined my career!”

According to Milano, Musk is to blame for her lack of acting in recent years. “Since he bought Twitter, I haven’t had any movie offers,” Milano complained. “He’s boycotted me!”

Of course, Milano didn’t stop there. She also blamed Musk for her financial woes. “I had to sell my Tesla because I couldn’t pay the bills,” Milano cried. “It’s all his fault!”
Reactions on social media were mixed. Some people supported Milano and criticized Musk for “bullying” her. Others mocked Milano for blaming others for her personal problems.
“Alyssa Milano should stop whining and get a real job,” one Twitter user wrote.
“I agree with Alyssa Milano,” another wrote. “Elon Musk is an asshole!”
It’s unclear at this point whether Milano’s accusations will resonate. But one thing is for sure: it’s sparked a heated debate on the issue.
And in a related development, Musk also tweeted a cryptic message that could be considered a response to Milano. “I don’t know who she is,” Musk wrote. “But I’m sure she’s awesome.”
We’ll continue to follow this story and update you as more information becomes available.