Meanwhile, Bollywood Actress Tapsee Pannu comes out in support of Imane Khelif, says “Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps had natural biological advantages. Why weren’t they banned?”

In a powerful show of support, Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu has spoken out in defense of Algerian Olympic boxer Imane Khelif, who was recently stripped of her titles and banned for life after failing a mandatory gender test. Pannu questioned the decision, highlighting what she perceives as a double standard in professional sports.

Pannu, known for her advocacy on gender and equality issues, took to social media to share her thoughts. “Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps had natural biological advantages. Why weren’t they banned?” she wrote, referencing two legendary athletes celebrated for their unique physical attributes that gave them a competitive edge in their respective sports.

Bolt, the world’s fastest man, and Phelps, the most decorated Olympian in history, each possess distinctive physical characteristics – such as Bolt’s fast-twitch muscle fibers and Phelps’ long wingspan and flexibility – which contributed to their extraordinary performances. Pannu pointed out that these athletes were allowed to compete without facing accusations of unfair advantage or undergoing invasive testing.

Pannu’s comments underscore the complexity and perceived inequities in sports regulations that affect female athletes. Many advocates argue that natural biological variations are a part of sports and should not become grounds for exclusion or discrimination. Pannu’s support comes amid widespread debate over gender testing in sports, with critics arguing that female athletes are often subjected to far more scrutiny than their male counterparts.

Khelif’s case has sparked a fresh wave of dialogue about gender policies in sports and the ethics of gender testing. Advocacy groups have called for sports governing bodies to reevaluate their approaches, with a focus on ensuring that all athletes are treated equitably. Pannu echoed these sentiments, urging sports organizations to consider the impact of their policies on women’s careers.

Imane Khelif has not publicly responded to the ban, and it remains to be seen whether her case will lead to broader reforms in international sports.

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